Original Content Development

Original Content Development

We love working with clients and helping bring their brands to life, but a passion of ours is developing original content. We are a leading original film production company and our work has won awards at Sundance Film Festival, taken us to document major world events and given life to chart-topping songs. Over the years, we have created, directed, produced and co-produced long- and short-form original movie scripts, creative corporate videos for businesses and media content. Our producers and directors are always on the lookout for our next great original content project so we can flex our muscles in producing, directing, scripting and storyboarding.

Our Capabilities

Original Movie Scripting

Of course the idea will need words. We can write those. And if your idea has no words, we can write those too. (It can sometimes take longer to write a script with no dialogue.)

Creative Direction

Creative direction defines the story, the feeling and the way you will tell your narrative. It’s the big idea. It’s the hook. It’s the whole project.


Once the idea is formulated, we can then sketch it out into a graphical story, one that will help convey the idea by explaining the sequence and interactions in a visual way.

Award-Winning Directors

Addy Awards are cool. Emmys are cooler. We have those and more.