For Those Who Make.
Stories exist in almost every facet of life. Who you meet, how you got your job, where you grew up, what you studied in college and even how your clothes were made. Behind every person and object there’s a story of how it was made or came to be.
Here at Think Media Studios, we particularly enjoy stories. More specifically, we enjoy telling stories. We’ve recently been thinking a lot about handmade, carefully-crafted products and realized we wanted to know more – or that maybe we could help our audiences know more.
How do chefs or carpenters source the ingredients or raw materials they use to create their products by hand? How do designers and musicians pour their creativity into projects from start to finish? How did small shops or artists grow their companies from scratch? The answers to many of these questions are what connects users, customers, employees and influencers to specific brands.
Additionally, these questions are what intrigued us to seek out a segment of business owners and creators who have a whole lot of passion for the work they do and the products they design.
We like to think of them as ‘makers’.
These ‘makers’ bring creativity to the craft they have worked so hard to perfect while sometimes creating something from absolutely nothing: a blank slate. All of this is what inspired us to create what we call our ‘makers’ reel.
We wanted to seek out these makers and learn more about their passion, so that we could help tell those stories through video.
Makers have the ability to bring their talents to those around them while creating something that has some sort of importance in this world. Makers are unique. Makers have a sense of pride when they step back to look at their finished product. Makers are all around us. And behind each one of them is a story waiting to be told.
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