Dubuque, Iowa – day 1

we kicked off the day with a 7:45am flight from Edmonton. Final Destination, Dubuque Iowa.

Main St. Dubuque

Main St. Dubuque

Dubuque is a surprisingly charming town that sits on the banks of the Mississippi River. My uncle Roger told me this place was cool. I have to admit that I didn’t believe him at the time. Turns out he was right. Sorry Rog. I guess I will have to start believing ALL of your stories.

Justin and I will spend tomorrow and Friday at North America’s last monument to checkers, The World of Checkers Museum. The museum’s curator, Don “Mr. Checkers” Deweber will show us around and fill us in on Checkers’ days of yore.

We had a few hours to kill before a dinner get together with Mr. Checkers and his friend, Ms. Becky, so we spent some time cruising around the river side.

Justin likes paddle wheels just as much as the next guy. This one sits outside the Mississippi River Aquarium.

Justin likes paddle wheels just as much as the next guy. This one sits outside the Mississippi River Aquarium.

Justin Russell, The MIssissippi River an a set of Siamese Ducks. What's not to like.

Justin Russell, The MIssissippi River and a set of Siamese Ducks. What’s not to like?

That ain't no duck beard. Those're Mississippi River bugs!

That ain’t no duck beard. Those’re Mississippi River bugs!

Mr. Checkers has a monument to Checkers. Dubuque has a monument to beer.

Mr. Checkers has a monument to Checkers. Dubuque has a monument to beer.

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